Thursday, March 16

Illegal Immigration Into the USA

Why does the Biden Administration not want to stop Illegal Immigration into the USA?

ANSWERThe Biden Administration along with the Democratic Party (Liberals & Progressives) do not perceive illegal immigration as a threat to the USA.


ANSWERThere are a multitude of reasons but I am of the opinion that the Demcrats believe that these illegal immigrants will, if given the opportunity, vote Democratic rather than Republican.

QUESTIONWhy is that important?

ANSWERThe Democrats want to silence the conservative voice here in the USA so that the only party that will ever be elected to office will be the Democrats.

When our Constitution was written and adopted, it was based upon a Democratic Republic form of government and the government was predicated upon a TWO PARTY SYSTEM...  or, what is more commonly referred to as OPPOSING VIEWS...  Without opposing views, the party in power has complete control...  just like a dictatorship and/or a communist country.

But...  more importantly...  our illegal immigration problem will not just upset the balance of power, but it will change the culture and the demographic fabric of our society.

  • I am not talking about whites, browns, and blacks.
  • I am not talking about Mexicans, Hispanics, and Asians.

I am talking about:

  • values
  • morals
  • speaking English
  • healthcare
  • pride in one's work
  • maintaining one's hygiene 
  • taking care of one's home
  • taking care of rental property
  • car insurance
  • infectious diseases
  • perpetuating slum conditions
  • not having pride in one's self
  • lack of education
  • lack of technical skills

If you have ever visited Mexico, Central America, or South America, the people that live in those areas don't share the same values as do the citizens of the USA.
  • They urinate in the streets
  • They defecate in the streets
  • They throw garbage out into the streets
  • They do not clean up after walking their dogs
  • They are not conscious of littering
  • They have no desire to keep a clean house/apartment
  • They do not take baths/showers
  • They wear the same clothes for weeks at a time
  • They have no desire to be education
  • They have no motivation to get out of poverty
  • They do not get immunization shots
  • They do not wash their bed sheets weekly
  • They let farm animals run wild
  • They appear to have no morals or integrity
  • Their leaders take bribes and kickbacks

This change in our culture will not take place in 2023 nor will it take place in 2024...  but, in 2025 you will start to see these types of communities developing all over the United States...  as they move from one location to another location looking for work...

These immigrants will find seasonal UNSKILLED work:
  • picking our fruit
  • picking our vegetables
  • cleaning our motels
  • planting crops
  • putting up drywall
  • painting our houses
  • replacing roofs on houses
  • washing dishes in restaurants

Mainly they will stay down south where it is warm in the winter and they can sleep outside, increasing our homeless problem.

Most of these people could care less about voting in an election and they don't give a damn about what happens to this country...  and, if they become citizens, I betcha they will NEVER JOIN THE MILITARY to defend the country they so desperately wanted to live in...

Just as CRIME and VIOLENCE in the big cities is starting to bite the ass of their Democratic Leaders, so too will immigration bite us in the ass...  and there will be NO WAY to remove them from this country...



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