Friday, March 3

A Divided Nation Does Not Stand For Anything

We have reached the end of one month and are a couple of days into the next month.  The month of March is usually a transition month here in the valley where by the 15th, winter is mostly gone, temps are warming and new flowers are breaking through the ground, signifying Spring...  although the end of March/first of April can be a bitch weather wize sometimes with cold spells...

Similarly, we have a transition period going on in our National's capital, WashDC where our president dwells sometimes when he is not in Delaware.  Our nation's Congress lives there as well as both the House and Senate have been locked in a deadly battle for power and control with each other since the beginning of 2023.

Biden has two years left and those two years could not pass fast enough for me although at my age, we want years to move slowly.  There is a good chance, based upon his ego that THE BIG GUY will run again in 2024 and be slapped down like a Washington GNAT that pestered fans at the Senator's baseball games before they relocated.

I grew up in ALexandria, VA just 8 miles outside of WashDC, so going to the Senator's game was what we did in the summers...

With the election of the Republican Govenor in VA, the stomp-down of Lightfoot in Chicago that she claims is due to her race, the fact that people are moving out of California as the State nears bankruptcy, and the millions of illegal immigrants that are spread all over the country, I believe that the citizens of this changing country are going to KICK BIDEN'S ASS OUT OF THE WHITEHOUSE...

AND...  I have yet to mention:

  • Inflation
  • Conservative Censorship
  • CRT Training in public schools
  • Supply Chain issues
  • Disrespect of USA by the Global community
  • Our weakened military
  • Our piss poor education system
  • A frigging divided USA is dangerous
  • The premature destruction of oil/gasoline
  • The claim all whites are supremacists
  • Politicizing the DOJ and FBI
  • Kissing China's ass
What we are beginning to really see is that the MOTHERS in the USA are finally pissed off at the government...  and as a 75 year old male who has been married twice...  YOU DON'T PISS OFF A MOTHER...

Regardless of who wins the 2024 election, the biggest problem that the USA is faced with after CHINA, is the DIVISION...  whether you believe it or not, the following statement has been proven time and again:


Surely, you are not that politically ignorant where you cannot see that...

Regarless of who wins the whitehouse
Regarldess of who wins the senate
Regardless of who wins the house

IF, we do not find a way to fix our division, you better start learning MANDARIN CHINESE...


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