Saturday, February 11

Freedom of Speech


I went to college in the 60s and while I was a cocky SOB, I was also the type of person who said what he wanted to say when he wanted to say it and how he wanted to say it and to whomever he wanted to say it...

Was this an exercise of my FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS or simply because I was this type of person whether or not we had these freedoms???  

Hard to say...  but, I will tell you this, I did not give a rat's ass about the Bill of Rights as the Bill of Rights was the last frigging thing on my mind.

  • I was a rebel
  • I was a hippie
  • I liked to drink
  • I liked dating
  • I enjoyed learning
  • I relished the idea of debating concepts with professors and other students

For me, debating was a methodology for teaching yourself by defending your points of view and by being open enough to allow yourself to change your views by listening to the thoughts and opinions of others.

HEARING BOTH SIDES and then using my own mental abilities to decide what I believed or did not believe became just as important to me as beathing, eating, drinking, dating, and raising hell on holidays.

Throughout my life, I have continued to pursue the concept of hearing both sides, until recently when the Democrats have tried to censor out the conservative points of view because it conflicts with the narrative that they want to spin...

This pisses me off and insults my intelligence.

TODAY, I learned that our FEDERAL GOVT put pressure on Twitter to censor COVID information that disagreed with Fouci's opinion...  trying to convince the public that Fouci was the only one who was correct about COVID...

That is both dangerous and stupid...  and, I am beginning to dislike the Democrats more and more and the media outlets like ABC, NBC, CBS, and CNN who support their radical agendas...   and they do this by CENSORING INFORMATION so that we only hear one point of view...

Our enemies will take advantage of our stupidity and then it will be too late to do anything about it...
  • We have an outdated Navy
  • We have an outdated Air Force
  • We have an outdate Army

What do you think will happen when a majority of Americans find out about this and become SCARED for their SAFETY and the safety of THEIR CHILDREN...


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