Tuesday, February 28

Advice From the Frog

We live in peculiar times when males want to become females and females want to become males...  it makes one pause and think...  why were we not made unisex with reproductive capabilities from the getgo.

Why not indeed.

But, we were not and because we were not then we have to accept all of these variations between male and female.

So, what if that is against our religion???
Then, I would say your religion is wrong because religion should not and does not discriminate otherwise it is not really the proper religion to have.  I am reminded of the Crusades of the Catholic where they wanted to annihilate all the muslims in the world because they believed in Islam...  how ridiculous was that?

Islam and Christianity believe in the same GOD...  in fact all religions in one form or another believe that there is only one ultimate creator, although he is known by different names.

If this one creator created everything then why did the creator create EVIL?

The answer is simple...  All things must have an opposite for mathematical balance of the universe.  In order to have light, you must have dark.  In order to have good you must have evil...

We fear what we don't understand....  and yet, some religious leaders will tell you that they don't understand everything in the Bible but still believe it 100%...  which is difficult to believe as that would mean they have no doubts at all.  And, if we believe our opposite is doubt and we know that everything must have opposites...

Is this a play on words???
But, if we cannot think, then what are we?

People who don't think are told what to think...  and if you get told what to think enough, then you will stop thinking altogether...  what might be the unintended consequences of not thinking?

That's a hard one...  My first guess is:  ONLY GOD KNOWS...  but that assumes the we all believe in God...  and, there is no scientific evidence that God actually exists.

However, there is some evidence to suggest that God is an EXTRATERRESTRIAL...

So, what kind of advice do you think I am trying to give you here???

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