Tuesday, February 28

Advice From the Frog's Advisor

 Since we have already established the fact that I am the Frog's advisor, there is relatively little advice that I can give on the Frog's advice, except to say that advice is exactly what it is...  advice...  one can either accept that advice or not accept that advice... 

However, let me throw this out for you to ponder...  what if you were not allowed to see the Frog's advice because someone who had more power than you, did not want you to be able to see it...  If that happened, then you would never be able to follow or not follow that advice.

Believe it or not, this is exactly what happens in some countries...  For example, China does not allow FACEBOOK to be on the internet in their country.  The movies that come into China have to be changed so that nothing is said that the Chinese government does not want its people to hear or see.  Hollywood accepts these restrictions because of all the revenue that the Chinese market brings in.

What if the USA no longer allowed Advice From the Frog to be published on Blogger's blogs...  that censorship goes against our freedoms but unless you say something, then censorship could take place in this country.

So, my advice about the Frog's advice is to make sure that you are always able to see the Frog's advice and decide for yourself if you want to follow it or not...

This sad thing is that I should not ever have to offer this advice...  not in this country...  so, why am I?

This country is changing and only YOU can stop it...

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