Monday, February 20

Our Obsession With Going Green

 Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Indepedent, Libertarian, Socialist, or Progressive, most Americans believe that moving into a green economy and a green environment is what's best for our WORLD...

Personally, I am not opposed to GOING GREEN as I already own battery operated drills and an electric tiller that does an excellent job in small areas.  I have been toying with the idea of getting a batttery operated lawn mower and possibly a battery operated riding lawn mower depending upon how expensive they are and if we plan to downsize and will no longer have the need for a riding lawn mower.

However, an electric vehicle is another story.  Electric Vehicles are really just too damn expensive right now.  Plus, modifications to your home have to be made to recharge them faster...  that costs about $2,000.

But, the main problem is going on vacation and having to stop for 4-6 hours to recharge the damn battery...  and, that is provided you can find a charging station and that is providing you don't have to wait for a space at that charging station.

In other words, in INFRASTRUCTURE to support an US EV Economy IS JUST NOT THERE YET...  and, there is no telling how long it will take us to get there and what would be the cost of getting there.  Most cost increases are passed onto the consumer, which means the quicker we become an EV nation, the quicker PRICES WILL INCREASE in several other areas to compensate for the cost of creating infrastrastructor...

That is a huge drawback...

The other issue with EV is that I would probably not go completely EV but first invest in a hybrid.  With a hybrid, I don't have to rely of charging stations, I can just put in gasoline if on a vacation.  However, with the price of gasoline going up that just means most of us will do less driving.

Experts have suggested that the cost of recharging an EV is going to be the same as paying $3/gallon for gasoline.  If that is true, then most people will not drive as much...  especially if they have to go into debt to buy an EV.

The wealthy will be the only ones that travel for the most part which is fine with me, because most of my traveling days are gone anyway, given the fact that my age is 75.  At most, I may travel 5 more years.

For those of you who are not aware, there is an organization of 5 countries called BRICS...  the countries are:  Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.  China and India have the two largest global population.  BRICS has declared that they WILL NOT BE GOING GREEN as it costs too much money to change over...

Our Green efforts here is in the USA are POINTLESS and FUTILE...


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