Saturday, February 11

Assumptions & Perceptions

 I can assure you that I am not as dumb or as smart as I may look...  so, what has caused you to make one of those assumptions based upon my photograph?

It is what might be call a gut reaction...  Just like when you walk into a restaurant and immediately you just don't feel comfortable inside that building...  there is something telling you to leave...  so you do...

We form opinions of people like this and those opinions typically never change as long as we know and/or are around that person.  Our opinions don't change even when we find out our opinions are wrong.  There is just something inside each of us to keeps us from changing our minds.

What makes this really interesting is when we form these impressions are our children and/or our spouses.  Those perceptions can cause us to like one child better than the other child...  and, those perceptions can cause us to get a divorce when in reality there was no reason for a divorce at all...  it's just that you could not shake that perception and you had to get out.

Divorces are emotionally draining, change our behavors, and make us cautious about ever getting close to another person again.  They can also be financially devastating.

However, for the last decade or so, the divorce rate in the USA has remained steady at 50%...  one out of every two marriage will FAIL...   those odds are like flipping a coin.

There is no telling the psychological impact that divorce has on children...  that impact of course is relative to their ages...  but, the impact NEVER GOES AWAY...  and contributes to their perceptions as to how their view others...  and, they will always view males and females differently, depending upon whether they side with the father or the mother.

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