Sunday, November 6

THE TIDE IS TURNING... as they say...

While many of us dislike Donald Trump, what we have to accept whether we like it or not, the economy was the healthiest it has been in the history of our young country...  in other words, what he did WORKED...  China and Russia were afraid of him because of his unpredictability...  and, while that can be problematic at time, IT WORKED...

Very quickly, we have learned that the Biden Administration and his policies (assuming that they are really his) are not working...  and logically, the American public is beginning to realize that our economy cannot be blamed on COVID and the WAR IN UKRAINE.

It is also obvious that we cannot blame covid or the ukraine war for the increase in immigration or the increase in illegal drugs coming into the USA.

Nor can we blame the increase in violence and crime on covid or the ukraine war.

It took Trump 2 years to build the economy and it took Biden 2 years to destroy it...  with his FOCUS being whatever Trump did I will UNDO...  that spiteful attitude was good politically but it was not good for the American people as a whole.

Most people, including conservatives, realize that we must be good stewards of the environment and direct our attention to alternative energies...  BUT THAT MOVE MUST BE GRADUAL...  and, not the rapid acceleration that Biden wants...  it is reckless behavior...  which is why we are in the situation that we are in.

Economists will argue all day long what caused inflation as well as argue over the fact that we are not experiencing inflation at all.  This reminds me of being in college and listening to 2 PhDs argue claiming they both are correct simply because they have a PhD.  The winner of the debate was decided not on the facts but on who got their PhD first.

Of course that makes no sense!!!

A friend of mine from Canada told me the other day that because of the decline in the stock market due to Biden's policies, he has lost $100K.   He is retired and in his mid 70s and cannot afford to lose money.

Can you imagine what poor people are doing and how they have to live?

It is time to put Trump behind us and take the concepts that worked for him and implement them again...  just to see if we can pull ourselves out of this hole...

I believe the general public is beginning to think like this and I believe the midterms will reflect that change.

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