Monday, November 6

USA Has History of Terrorism

 During the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong hid in caves and underground tunnels and snuck out at night to kill Americans.

The terrorist group called Hamas hides down in underground tunnels and caves and comes out at night to kill Jews.

In 1776, during our war of independence from Great Britain, the colonists, now referred to as Americans, hid in the wooded areas and snuck out at night to kill the British.

Once we were our own country, we SLAUGHTERED Native Americans (referred to as Indians) in order to show them how much of a BAD ASS we were.  The Indians were greatly outnumbered and Americans could have easily been seen as terrorists, committing atrocities similar to those committed by HAMAS on the Jews.

Ain't it funny how the USA (America) has a history of terrorism but now condemn acts of terrorism by other countries.

In order to defeat a great power by a lesser power, terrorist activities MUST ALWAYS BE EMPLOYED....

Ever read THE ART OF WAR by Sun Tzu?

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