Monday, November 6

Nobody's Right, IF Everybody's Wrong

For What It's Worth by the Buffalo Springfield circa 1967/1968 has as one of the lyrics:  ...battle lines being drawn, nobody's right if everybody's wrong...

For What It's Worth by the Buffalo Springfield circa 1967/1968 has as one of the lyrics:  ...battle lines being drawn, nobody's right if everybody's wrong...

This song was published in 1967/1968 during the Vietnam War as the band reflects upon the divided country in which they live.  Some favor the war, others did not favor the war.

FORTY-FIVE (45) years later, that line of lyrics highlighted in blue above, is righteously applicable to today's divided nation here in the USA.
  • Many in this country say the Jews are right
  • Many in the country say the Jews are wrong
  • Many in this country say Hamas is right
  • Many in this country say Hamas is wrong

It is logically impossible for both sides to either right or wrong...  therefore, the argument is nullified...

How stupid are we not to see this???

What is abundantly clear is that HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF and the reason it repeats itself is that American have learned nothing from history...

So, why do we even teach HISTORY in our Public School Systems???

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