Thursday, November 30

Unpacking Politics

Liberals believe in:

  • Large government
  • High Taxes
  • Few states rights
  • Government handouts
  • Management is the enemy


Conservatives believe in:

  • Small government
  • Low taxes
  • Lots of states rights
  • Few government handouts
  • Labor is the enemy

However, it is not that CUT & DRY, but this is basically their differences.

The liberals believe that government knows what is best for the people while the conservatives believe the people know what's best for themselves as long as you give them a little help.

CAPITALISM - is an economic theory that revolves around the free-market enterprise system and the invisible hand concept.  This theory has the supply and demand model as the main component of the system around which decisions are made. 

How much to produced based upon what the consumer wants to buy or is demanding. 

Sometimes, decisions are wrong and the companies lose money, but for the most part, the system allows for the businesses to THRIVE and the workers to MAKE DO - or keep their heads above water.

It is at this point in time that the liberal's step in to balance the scales so that more and more of the wealth is shared with the worker either through the willing company or through taxes or through government programs for the workers.

The invisible hand theory says businesses will self-regulate and will not do something that harms them or causes their destruction.

The liberals do not believe that this will happen or is happening.

HOWEVER, since congress does not move very fast, the wealthy are able to HIDE most of their money away from taxes...  so, whenever the liberals want to raise taxes, it does not bother them that much.  And, the government NEVER gets what it really needs through that form of taxation.

ANSWER:  borrow money or print money- neither solution is good for the economy.

BUT - politics does not care because one of the reasons that congress moves slowly is because they care more about re-election than they do about helping the American General Public.

CURRENTLY - the liberals are in a bind because they need capitalism to fund their liberal agendas of offering more programs so those people will vote for them.

At some point in time POLITICS is going to have to pay off the NATIONAL DEBT...  otherwise, the USA will go bankrupt which is hard to believe that will ever happen.

One of the quickest ways to solve this problem is to stop the WEALTHY FROM HIDING THEIR MONEY FROM TAXES...

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