Saturday, November 11

Tennessee Valley Weather Forecast

The weather for the Tennessee Valley during the week of November 12-18, 2023, is mid to high 60s.

I hate to brag, but this fall weather is damn near perfect and without high humidities...

Granted, if you go farther south, the weather is even warmer but in many of those warmer areas, the cost of living is much higher; of course, I am sure that in parts of Mississippi and Alabama I can find lower costs of living but who wants to live in those states?

Right up the road from us is the Bristol Motor Speedway, home to NASCAR.

Right below us is Chattanooga and to the west of us is Nashville if you are into country music.

Our little community is full of retired folks like us who park their cars inside a garage and keep the outside of their house looking well-manicured. Our little community is excellent for walking as it provides flat areas as well as little hills and valleys to give one's body a well-rounded approach.

Most houses decorate outside for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas but do not go overboard.  Many of the residents will help you out if you need a favor.

But, the most important aspect of where we live is the weather...  and right now, we are mildly warm and will stay that way for several days. 

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