Saturday, November 11

Personal Update

 For those of you who keep up with my daily postings, you will know or remember that while I am healthy, I am not in the best of shape...  sounds like a contradiction...

I am just finishing up my 15th year of fighting Lymphoma with infusions and pills and my 10th year of fighting Melanoma with chemo infusions.  I had a heart attack 15 years ago, had stints put in but I still have to watch what I eat.  And, in 2022, I had 5 lumbar disks fused because of spinal stenosis.  I can walk fine, but not as fast and not with the same ease as before...

A few months ago, we downsized to a smaller yard and a house without stairs or a basement.  It has really made a difference for both of us, and our cats seem to like it better as well.  Our three cats are 13 years old and are showing only minor signs of aging.

While my wife and I are not planning any cruises or taking any flights to Europe as we have done in the past, we are planning on spending some time at Daytona Beach in Florida and Myrtle Beach in South Carolina next year.

We will probably be looking to upgrade our vehicle in the next year or two, but it will not be an EV...


  • EVs are really expensive
  • Not enough charging stations
  • Too long to charge when on vacation
  • Cost of replacement batteries
  • Low resale value
We might look at a HYBRID, one that does not need to be charged, but more than likely we will buy a gasoline vehicle.  Many of us old folks don't think gasoline is going to stop anytime soon.

My wife and I and those we talk to are really disappointed with Congress and their lack of action as well as the number of illegal immigrants that are coming across our borders.  We have the feeling that these illegal immigrants will not be welcomed here in East TN, but they can come here if they want if they need to be somewhere that they are not accepted.

Old folks like us, expect a new generation to take over, but right now, any new generation of people that we see are going to let China and Russia have control of our country...  and we cannot imagine free Americans wanting to live under communistic control.

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