Friday, February 3

Would I have Lived My Life Any Differently?

I have heard it reported that when people are told they are dying, that their biggest regret is that they would not have made some of the decisions they made and that they would have taken more risks...

I can see how and why these people feel the way that they do...  especially now that I am 75 years old and if I have 20 years left, I will be very lucky.  BUT, I disagree with their regrets...  although regrets are highly personal and they are entitled to whatever regrets that they want to have.


It is true that my parents made some decisions that influenced my life that for instance had me attending high school in Cairo, Egypt...  those decisions affected my life but I did not control them.

HOWEVER, the decisions that I made, both good and bad, cannot be done over even if that was possible, because I did exactly that which I was supposed to do...  even though, it was always my choice.

So, making different choices or taking more risks if one had a second chance is a mute point because we would do exactly that which we did before...

This theory is predicated in part in the belief of a CREATOR...  a God if you will...  I prefer creator because I believe this creator is an extraterrestrial...

This creator has the ability to sit on the edge of the universe and watch lives and civilizations evolve and 100 years to us might be 1 minute to this creator or even 1 second, depending upon the real size and scope of the universe.

Consequently, our entire lives have already been seen...  our choices have already been made...  we become at the end of our lives, exactly what was intended for us to become at the very beginning.

I was meant to do during my life exactly what I did during my life...  living our lives over again would yield the same results.

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