Sunday, February 19

What Do Our Enemies Think of US???

 I wonder what our enemies are thinking about us right now...  I see our enemies as being:
  • China
  • Russia
  • Iran
  • North Korea
I realize there are many others, but right now those are the most vocal with China being considered as #1.

What do you think our enemies see?
  1. A lot of government spending
  2. A piss poor economy
  3. Growing inflation
  4. An outdated military
  5. Push toward Green Energy
  6. A divided nation
  7. A congress that gets nothing done
  8. Internal investigations
  9. Keeping information from the public
  10. Too many freedoms to be controlled
  11. A majority of Americans are obese
  12. A majority of Americans are deep in debt
  13. A national debt thats growing
  14. A country about to go bankrupt 

Our country will never go bankrupt because we will print more money or we will refuse to pay our debt and challenge our creditors (CHINA) to come after us...

Our fallback position is that we have enough NUCLEAR WEAPONS to destroy the entire world...  which includes ourselves...  will the understanding that a select few will survive underground to help rebuild the population...  because there will be nothing else left to rebuild.
  • No farmland
  • No cell phones
  • No communications
  • No vehicles
  • No animals
Everything above ground will have been vaporized...

We won't do this until China or Russia strikes with nuclear first.  Then we will retaliate with balls to the wall...  total destruction.

BTW - China and Russia have no plans to go GREEN ENERGY because it costs too much to get there...   They would rather put their money into the military, space flight, and technology.

From an American standpoint...  no one ever thinks about what our enemies think of us...   I guess because we don't give a shit what they think.

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