Tuesday, February 14

Too Little Too Late

What the hell is happening to this country of ours?

This is not a rhetorical question...

The BLM movement that represents no more than 12% of the population is telling our government how to conduct its business.

The Black community BLAMES THE WHITES for everything that goes wrong in the USA including 5 black policemen killing a black man.\

The Democrats want to end the use of pretroleum crude oil pre-maturely without having the proper infrstructure in place to support electric vehicles or the Green Movement.

Our larger cities are hotbeds of crime and violence which seems to be getting worse instead of better.

Our military needs upgrading and our own DOD says they are not sure we could win a conventional war with China.

China says in two years war with the USA is inevitable.

Our Education system is being dumbed down because we don't want to hurt the feelings of those that are not very smart.

China is sending pounds and pounds of fentanyl into the USA...  because people in the USA are willing to buy the illegal drug.

Our southern border is completely open and there is no screening for COVID or the Terrorist Watch List...  what will be the unintended consequence of this madness?

The Democrats weaponized the FBI to go after conservatives and let liberals do what they please.

The Democratic government used TWITTER to censorship the conversative voice in the USA despite our First Amendment Rights.

Hollywood and Professional Sports are doing business with Communist China because of the billion plus people there that they can sell to.

Many of our medicines are made in China and Americans would be in trouble if their economy took a tumble.


In other words, when we finally see that we have made a huge mistake, it will be too late to do anything about it or to reverse course.

In other words, these unintended cosequences are yet to happen...  Unfortunately, unintended consequences ALWAYS HAPPEN...

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