Sunday, February 12

The USA is not Prepared for War

Who are the major enemies of the USA?
  • China
  • Russia
  • Iran
  • North Korea
 Most of the rest of the world sees it this way too and they are sitting on the sidelines, waiting to see who/when is going to take the top position away from the USA...

All dynasties rise and fall.  It is the nature of power...  and these empires usually fall because they get too big or they try to give too many gifts to their residents.

While FREEDOMS are a good thing to have especially from the individual's perspective, it is difficult as hell to manage, control, and have power over a group of people who are free.

The easiest society to control is one that is communist or one that is under the rule of a dictator.

Interestingly, our enemies fall into one or both of these categories...  non of our enemies have anywhere near the freedoms that we have...  and that difference may end up biting us in the ass one day.

Government have a very difficult time controlling wealthy people...  and while being wealthy is relative, I would say that you are wealthy if you have a net worth of $5 million or more...   $2-$5 million networth there is marginal control...  From a net worth of $1 million or less, then you can easily be controlled by the government.

Right now, in the USA, 80% of the people can be controlled by the government because of their low net worth.

the money that the government must spend in order to keep the population under control, means that there is not enough money left over to STRENGTHEN THE MILITARY...

Consequently, we have a:
  • poorly prepared Army
  • poorly prepared Navy
  • poorly prepared Air Force
  • poorly prepared Space Force

Interestingly, before we got into OUR CURRENT SITUATION, the USA did create a stockpile of nuclear weapons.  Nuclear weapons never go out of style so the nukes we had in 1960 - 1980 - 2000 are just as good as the nukes that our enemies have in 2023...

It is doubtful, that the world will get itself into a nuclear war because that would kill about 90%+ of everything...  and, while there may be survivors, life will be like it was in 1776 when we won our independence from Great Britain...
  • No cars
  • No electricity
  • No restaurants
  • No land suitable for farming
  • No livestock, fish, or fowl
  • No television
  • No radio
  • No computers
  • No telephones or cell phones
  • No electric stoves
  • No gas heaters
  • No airplanes or trains

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