Friday, February 10

Human Beings From Earth

The planet earth, on which we live, resides in a solar system with a sun, moon, and several other non-inhabitable planets, in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Within our galaxy there are at least 100 billion stars around which at least one planet is orbiting.  So, we could potentially have over 100 billion solar systems.

There are over 100 billion galaxies in the KNOWN UNIVERSE as a majority of the universe is still unknown to us as it cannot be seen by telescopes but is theoretically and mathematically speculated to exist...  however, we do have evidence that our universe is still expanding.

If one could travel at the speed of light or 186,000 miles per second, it would take 25,000 years to get to the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy and another 25,000 years to get to the other side from that theoretical mid point.   50,000 years...

If one could travel at the speed of light, it would take 1.87 years to cross from one side to the other side of our solar system.  However, it has taken the space probe Voyager 36 years to reach the outer edges of our solar system.

This should give you some perspective regarding how our EARTH relates to our solar system and how it relates to our galaxy and how our galaxy relates to the rest of the universe.

EARTH is like a grain of sand when compared to our universe.

I would speculate that not many people give a shit about what I just wrote, as they mainly concern themselves with what is going on in the here and now on earth.  And, while that has its merits, it has also become increasingly clear that space travelers from some other origin in our solar system or galaxy or universe have been and continue visiting us...

  • Are they curious about us?
  • Were they the ones who created us?
  • Have they returned to see how we have progressed?
  • Have they come to conquer us?

Imagine for a minute if you will, what will life be like in 2030 with our robots, artificial intelligence, and technological advances...   It will be much more advanced than it is in 2023.

Now, imagine 2050...

There is no doubt in my mind that our space visitors will make their intentions known to us before 2050...  and, when they do, will you be prepared?


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