Monday, February 13

Equality & Equity For All in the USA

In the past, I have used the word American to describe us, but the residents of Central America and South America also refer to themselves as Americans...  so, now I use USA... to avoid any confusions.

So...  let's look at Equality first...

Whether or not you want to admit this fact, very few of us will ever be EQUAL...

  • Different Heights
  • Different Weights
  • Different Natural Athletic Abilities
  • Different Physical Attractiveness
  • Different Mental Abilities
  • Different Musical Abilities
  • Different Acting Abilities
  • Different Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Simply put...

  1. We cannot all be Michael Jordan no matter how hard we practice
  2. We cannot all be Albert Einstein no matter how hard we study
  3. We cannot all have the voice of Elvis Presley not matter how hard we train
  4. We cannot all have the body of Arnold Schwarsenegger no matter how long we lift weights

Now...  let's look at EQUITY...
Simply put...  if we are going after equity then we want everyone to be given a chance at being either a success or a failure...
Under the concept of equity, advanced placement classes were stopped because not everyone had the mental abilities to be in those...  and, the school officials did not want to hurt the feelings of those who were not smart enough...
What does that actually mean?
It means we want to pull all students down to the lowest mental ability to keep from traumatizing the others...  that way no one GETS TO EXCELL...

Let's look at sports...
What if we wanted equity there?
No outstanding players because it would make the others feel bad because they do not have those skills.
Bring the skills of the team down to the level of the worst player on the team...
Damn!  That doesn't even make sense...

This is exactly what the WOKE Movement wants to achieve...  because the USA is set up to make whites successful not blacks.  At least that is what they perceive and want us to believe because our nation has its roots in slavery.

The Democrats support the blacks because they want the black vote so that they can stay in power...

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