Sunday, February 12

Depth of Field Vision

February 2023 is almost half over which means, at least to historical weather patterns, that we have about 4 more weeks of winter...  and, while that may or may not be accurate, we all know that there can be cold days in April which is typically a warm month...

So, what is all this leading up to?

I am more fond of warm weather than I am of cold...  and the fact that we had a day of 70 degrees a couple of days ago, pleased the hell out of me, causing me to feel more anxious about the warm weather soon to arrive.

Most of us have an aversion to cold weather, even those that live in the northern USA and Canada who prefer the cold to warm actually get tired of the cold weather themselves because of the snow and ice through which they must drive more often than not.  Not really fearing their skills behind the wheel but the skill of others who are also on the road.

More and more people these days, or so it seems to me, show they are lacking with their driving skills even though they have been driving for years...  Perhaps, this is because they never learned any skills from the getgo.  They just got in their cars and started driving.

What I notice more than anything else among these other drivers is that they do not seem to have any concept of DEPTH OF FIELD VISION.  I will be driving along and someone will come barrelling ass up behind me and swing to the left to go around me, but fail to grasp or perceive their distance from the car in front of them, forcing them to apply their brakes and then pull back in behind me.

When this happens, I just smile to myself and think IDIOT...

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