Saturday, February 11

Black History Month in the USA

February is Black History Month The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society. 

As a 75 year old WHITE VETERAN...  the very last thing that I want to do is celebrate black history, especially for a whole frigging month, and most especially because the BLM movement, the WOKE theory movement, and the CRT movement have pretty much pissed me off big time towards the entire black communities here in the US of A.  60% of the population is pandering to 12% of the population because WHITE and now black cops have killed black males...  and, you can also kiss my ass about slavery because I had frigging nothing to do with that and I'll be damned if I will be made to feel quilty because my ancesters may have been involved.  I don't give a damn about the Civil War or the frigging confederate flag, even though I was born in the south.

If we are going to have a black history month, then I think it is only fair that we first have a NATIVE AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH since these people were here long before either whites or blacks.

I also think it is only fair that we also have a/an:
  1. Alaskan Native History Month
  2. Native Hawaiian History Month
  3. Asian History Month
  4. Hispanic History Month
  5. Mexican History Month
  6. Irish History Month
  7. Italian History Month
  8. German History Month
  9. Chinese History Month
  10. Scottish History Month

So...  if you add all of these up, then we have 12 categories...  and could celebrate a different history during the year...

Additionally...  I believe that each one of these groups should have a cultural center built on every college campuse throughout the entire US of A and that these centers be constructed using tax payers dollars...

Finally...  we should find one key figure representing each of these ethnic groups, similar to MLK Jr. and make each one of these not just a national hero, but pass a bill giving each of them a FEDERAL HOLIDAY...

As you can see CAUCASIAN AMERICANS are not listed nor are they associated with any of these recommendations...  The American Whites have taken enough from this country...  and, it is time that we honor those who are the backbone of the wonderous country, not just the wealthy who built all of our industries.

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