Thursday, February 9

Biden's Leadership

It turns out that going from America First to America Last has real world consequences.

President Joe Biden’s rejection of President Donald Trump’s approach to national security and foreign policy has created devastating harm to American interests abroad and our security at home.

Trump’s main goal was to prioritize our interests, thereby leveraging American power to deliver greater global stability, certainty and relative peace. Biden prioritizes multilateralism and globalism, reversing Trump-era gains and introducing increasing chaos, instability, uncertainty and conflict.

President Trump’s critics often complained his America First policies were damaging our alliances and rewarding our enemies. The exact opposite was true: like President Ronald Reagan before him, Trump delivered peace through strength. Biden has diluted American power, and as a result, our allies no longer trust us and our enemies no longer fear us. American weakness always invites the wolves, and the wolves have returned.

Let’s recall where we were just one year ago.
  • The Trump administration had provided unwavering support to Israel and achieved historic peace agreements in the Middle East, agreements which cultivated economic and other cooperation that, in turn, is delivering enduring peace.
  • It had successfully pushed back on China’s economic aggression, human rights abuses, and geopolitical adventurism in the South China Sea and Pacific Rim.
  • It had successfully contained Russia’s expansionism and slowed the progress of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.
  • It had productive diplomacy underway to contain North Korea’s nuclear ambitions.
  • It had withdrawn from the catastrophic Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and was using its extensive sanctions authority to restrict Iran’s nuclear program.
  • It had negotiated a plan for a managed, conditional exit from Afghanistan that would have secured us a continuing intelligence capability.
  • It had realigned our relationship with our NATO allies, holding them to their promises of the alliance.
  • It had successfully negotiated fairer, more reciprocal trade deals with China, Canada, Mexico, South Korea and Japan, among others.
  • It had begun to modernize and rebuild our military, left hollowed out by the Obama-Biden administration.
  • It had largely solved the immigration issue through a more secure border and commonsense diplomatic agreements.

The Biden administration is hell-bent on reversing many of President Trump’s stunning achievements.  READ MORE...

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