Sunday, February 12

Being Born in 2000

If you were born in 2000 then you are 22/23 years old...  and, I feel very, very sorry for you and all the shit that you were born into...

You are yet to be a quarter of a century old and you have already experienced:

  • Lies of government
  • Inflation
  • Stagnant Economy
  • Russian Aggression
  • Chinese Dominance
  • The USA and its impotent military
  • Endless Congressional hearings
  • The suppression of information by Twitter
  • The politicalization of the FBI
  • The lies of Democrats
  • The highest National debt ever
  • The dumbing down of education
  • Practices So As Not To Offend Blacks
  • Trans males competing against real females
  • The claim of white supremacy
  • Do as I say not as I do politicians

Bear in mind that when I was your age, we were paying the following:
  • $0.30 for a pack of cigarettes
  • $0.18 to $0.25 for a gallon of gasoline
  • $0.15 for a McDonald's hamburger
  • $1.25 for a 6 pack of expensive beer
  • $1.00 for a movie ticket
AND...  we were driving Muscle Cars...  that could outperform police cruisers in a chase...

  1. We had no problems finding places where we could work without worrying about some racial quotas.
  2. We did not have to worry about AIDS.
  3. We did not have to worry about drugs that killed even though there were plenty of drugs around.
  4. We did not have to stay with our parents after high school because it was too expensive.
  5. We did not have to worry about inflation.
  6. We did not have to worry about electric cars.
  7. We did not have to worry about China's desire to dominate the world.
  8. We did not worry about white cops killing blacks.
  9. We did not have to worry about media censorship.
  10. Our education was not dumbed down and it was the best in the world.

It is true that I am 75 years old...  over 3 times your age...  and, there is a good possibility that I will not live for another 20 years...   but, there is a damn good possibility that I have lived better than you because of what has happened to our society.  And, your parents allowed all this shit to happen...  It was not my generation...  I am from the VIETNAM generation...  And, my first car was a 1967 Plymouth Barracuda with a 383 under the hood...  it was fire engine red and was a convertible.  I paid $3,500 for it...  and, when I was on the interstate, I drove like a bat out of hell.  Musical lyrics were sophisticated poetry that stimulated our imaginations.  We respected each other regardless of your color, religious beliefs, or ethnicity.  It was an era of FREE LOVE...   We all lived FREE and CLEAR of everything and everyone.  We were children and young adults of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.   



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