Saturday, February 11

Because of Time

 The speed of light is 186,000 miles per second...   and, according to Albert Einstein and other theoretical physicists, nothing is faster than the speed of light because if there was, then the passing of time would not exist.  In other words there would be no time.

There would be NO PAST...   NO PRESENT...   NO FUTURE...

Thinking about that just blows my mind...

But, thinking about the past, present, and future blows my mind as well...  because after the passing of every second or every nanosecond, my present is now my past, and my present has become my future.  Although I cannot prove that my present went into my past unless I take a photo every second or nanosecond and show the difference.

Just thinking about that HURTS...

Another concept that rouses suspicions in my mind is how slow or how fast time passes, depending upon the situation one is in...

For example, one's first kiss did not last long at all or the first time you made love to someone.  However, the time that you spend at the dentist seems to be an eternity...  when in reality, all three times might have been the same.

One concept is painfully obvious and that is that time moves faster or seems to move faster, the older one gets.

"I cannot believe this month (or year) has passed by so quickly."

How often have you heard someone make that comment...  and, you really have not thought much about it, until you hear a comment like that...  which is even weirder...   although, that's really not a word, is it?  Did you check?

When one is busy, time seems to move faster than when one is not busy...  hence the following statement...   The Idle Mind is the Devil's Workshop

We also know that the passing of time changes:
  • our physical appearance
  • our physical abilities
  • our sexual abilities/interests
  • our mental abilities
  • our cordination abilities

When we are young, we don't think about what all is going to happen to us when we get older...  but, when we are older, we constantly think about what life was like for us when we were young.


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