Saturday, February 18

Advice From the Frog


 Jeremiah was a bullfrog 
Was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him a drink his wine
And he always had some mighty fine wine...

Advice From The Frog

I have both black and white friends.  These friends are both educated and uneducted, married and not married, veterans and not veterans, and range in age from 40 to 80.  None of these people want to live in the communities where the other race lives and none of these people want to attend the churches that the other race attends.  None of these races want to party with each other nor do they want to vacation with each other.

Both of these races consider themselves not to be RACIST...

They consider hemselves to be AMERICANS who don't care to be around each other...

They tolerate each other's right to live in the USA...  as long as they don't interfere with their lifestyles...

The blacks and whites that I know see themselves as MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE...

America is a country that is full of diversity.  America is proud of that diversity.  America does not force that diversity to like each other, except for the diversity between whites and blacks.

You cannot force blacks to like whites
You cannot force whites to like blacks

The more you push, the more they will resist...

LIVE AND LET LIVE is the way it should be here in the USA...

It is MY RIGHT to decide with whom I want to be friends...  not the government's...

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