Sunday, February 12

A Democratic Republic and our Free Market Enterprise System

The title begs for definitions...

  • Democratic Republic
  • Free Market Enterprise System

What is a democratic republic in simple terms?  A merger of the two below...

Republic: "A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch." Democracy: "A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives."      

Free Market Enterprise System

What Is a Simple Definition of a Free Market Economy? 
A free market economy is one without government intervention or regulation. In a purely free market, buyers and sellers arrive at prices based only on supply and demand.

NOTEThe key ingredient of the free enterprise system is the right of individuals to make their own choices in the purchase of goods, the selling of their products and their labor, and their participation in business structure.

Houston...  we have a problem here...
Our Democratic Republic is operating more like Socialism than it is a Democracy or a Republic.
Simply put:
  1. Public Education
  2. Social Security
  3. Medicare
  4. Public Transporation
are not democratic or republic concepts...  there are concepts of socialism where government provides programs to their residents...  these programs cause the government to collect more and more taxes to pay for these programs....   which is a VIOLATION OF FHE FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE SYSTEM...  where by definition there should be no government intervention.

I don't know about you but I find this incredibly interesting because the GENERAL PUBLIC does not really give a damn about living in a Democratic Republic or a Free Market Enterprise System as long as they are allowed to do whatever they damn well please.  And, the more the people do what they damn well please, then the more laws will be passed by State and Federal congresses to CONTROL THEIR ACTIONS for the public good or the public safety or because the BILL OF RIGHTS guarantees them the Federal Right To Pursue Happiness but not at the expense of others...  hence the LAWS...


Our government places a tarriff on ALL PRODUCTS from other countries that are being sold in this country.  As a result, the foreigh goods are more expensive than American products and that encourages Americans to buy American products.  

BECAUSE OF THAT GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION into the free market enterprise system, American Manufacturers do not have to make their products TOP QUALITY...

This was and is still evident in the following industries:
Automotive (including motors)
  1. Computers
  2. Cameras
  3. Electronics
  4. Components
However, the game that we are playing involves all the other countries also placing tarriffs on all their imported goods making their domestic goods cheaper than foreign products...

We cannot drop our tarriffs until they drop their tarriffs...  

The one concept that ALL GLOBAL POLITICIANS HAVE IN COMMON IS THAT THEY ALL LIE AND ARE LIARS otherwise they would not be politicians.

Politicians cannot tell the public the truth otherwise they would not get re-elected...

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