Showing posts with label Liberal Democrats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberal Democrats. Show all posts

Thursday, July 1

I Was A Kennedy Democrat

I was a Kennedy DEMOCRAT...  back in the day...  supporting the end to the Vietnam War and the end of Racism in America through the Civil Rights Movement and the efforts of MLK Jr....  but, those days are GONE unfortunately and will never return as the Civil Rights Movement has turned into a BLACK LIVES MATTER movement completely ignoring other lives that are greater represented in this country.

BLM have turned into Critical Race Theory which is absurd to think that the ENTIRE WHITE RACE is trying to suppress the BLACKS when there have been so many BLACKS that have become more financially successful than their white counterparts.

BLM and CRT have given rise to concept of COUNTER CULTURE which wants to complete UNDO the history of the past and change it to meet their satisfaction and distorted needs.  

OUR HISTORY IS OUR HISTORY whether we like it or not...  and, blacks today only represent 13/14% of the overall American Population...

Recently, BLM and CRT along with Cancel Culture (or becoming WOKE) wants to defund the police because of the NEEDLESS killing of George Floyd...  and, much to the chagrin of Americans, numerous police departments were, in fact, defunded.


Imagine that?

Hard to believe, I know, but it is true...

In order to extricate themselves out of the HOLE OF SUPIDITY, Liberals and other Democrats are saying that the Defunding of the Police is because of the Republicans and their refusal to sign a financially inflated infrastructure bill...

  • The Democrats LIED about Russian collusion with Trump
  • The Democrats tried to impeach Trump over this LIE
  • The Democrats LIED about Kavanaugh
  • The Democrats LIED about the election
  • The Democrats LIED about immigration
  • The Democrats LIED with the help of mainstream media
After 73 years of life, I am WELL AWARE at the FREQUENCY in which ALL POLITICIANS LIE...  and, the last person that I trust is a frigging politician...  

HOWEVER, the Democrats, the Liberal Democrats, the Progressive Democrats...  all of the LIE WORSE THAN I HAVE EVER SEEN...

I lied to my parents when I was a child and when I because an adult, I lied to my first wife...  but, since that divorce, I have never lied again...  and have utter contempt for all those who lie and continue to lie...

Tuesday, June 22

Crime and Violence

We have had the second amendment since 1776 and while this amendment is designed for law abiding citizens, any half way intelligent person knows that criminals are going to find a way to provide themselves with weapons...  and, if the government and other reasonable people think that making it more difficult to own firearms is going to cut down on shooting deaths, then perform a GOOGLE search and see how easy it is to find step by step directions on how to make a bomb.

If a crazy person wants to kill people for whatever reason, would you rather have those deaths be the result of a bomb explosion or bullets from a semi-automatic weapon?

Personally, I don't want either to happen but how do you think AMERICA is doing on its war with illegal drugs?

Why do Americans purchase more illegal drugs than anywhere else in the world?

We have all sorts of police forces and narcotics squads trying to stop the flow of illegal drugs and yet those people who want them always find a way to procure them...  

Should we do away with the police because they cannot stop crime?

HUMAN NATURE dictates that the more you tell me that I cannot do something the more I am going to want to do it...

Right now, our police department is perceived as being NO LONGER APPROPRIATE to regulate Americans in cities...  but, those complaints are coming from BLACK AMERICANS not WHITE AMERICANS.  It would appear that WHITES have no problems with police and BLACKS have a problem with police because they perceive that LAW ENFORCEMENT (including both whites and blacks) are RACIALLY PROFILING them.

SO...  why is a black law enforcement person, RACIALLY PROFILING another black person?

There are ENLIGHTENED POLITICIANS called LIBERAL DEMOCRATS who believe that if we pour a ton of money into our cities and give blacks a better place to live, better education, better healthcare, and a reason to grow up successful, that it will reduce crime, especially in our inner cities.

HELL...  I think it is worth a try...  and, we should with all due haste dismantle our police departments and use that money to give blacks more opportunities.  Perhaps, we should give them THE EXACT SAME OPPORTUNITIES that the blacks perceive the whites received automatically.  NOT MORE...  just the same.


Who gives a shit about them...  we just care about BLACKS...

It is important for BLACKS TO PERCEIVE that WHITE AMERICA EMBRACES them in the same way that it has embraced whites...  except, the embracing that this country does is not for EVERY WHITE...  just the WEALTHY WHITES...