Showing posts with label Covid Relief Bill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Covid Relief Bill. Show all posts

Saturday, March 6

$1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Bill Passed by Senate


the wealthy are going to pay for it all...  that is to say those wealthy individuals and families that DO NOT have their monies sheltered away from taxes in off shore bank accounts.

what money our government cannot get from the wealthy, they will either BORROW from CHINA or they will simply print up more money.

if they print up more money, the the value of the dollar will DECREASE.

if they borrow from CHINA, then future generations will be the ones that will be forced to pay off our debt.

retired people like my wife and I will BENEFIT from all of this.

I don't care if California and New York get bailed out by our Federal Government or not because our government should REWARD those States who have mismanaged their tax dollars...  the more these States screw up the more our Federal Government should be in a position to financially control them.

These States are like children who have not yet learned how to manage their money because they want to give their residents everything they can in the hopes of getting re-elected.

The bureaucracy of any government, by default, is INEFFECIENT and INEFFECTIVE in the way that they conduct business.  When one has a guarantee of employment, one has little desire to improve one's production or output...

Wednesday, March 3

New Covid Relief Bill -- $1.9 Trillion

PERSONALLY...  I like the fact that OUR CONGRESS is going to pass this huge bill because it is going to benefit me and my wife who don't really need the money because we are retired, but more importantly, it is going to be paid for by the WEALTHY...  who typically DO NOT WANT TO SHARE their money with anyone else unless it is a charity for a tax deduction...

I also like the fact that in order to pay for this Relief Bill, the US Government will go deeper in debt but that this debt will not be paid for by us but by our grandchildren and their children...

If this seems selfish...  then you are missing the HEART and SOUL of my SARCASM...

On May 1, 2021, the first 100 days of the Biden Administration will be over and it is my belief that the mainstream media as well as the general public will finally see and understand that LIBERAL POLITICS is not good for our country, its economy, its military, its education, and its culture.

CENSORSHIP undermines our FREEDOMS OF SPEECH and sends our country dangerous close to becoming a one party communist country who controls its citizens by controlling their livelihoods and wellbeing.   Once freedom is lost, it is difficult to get it back...

BUT AGAIN...  we always get what we deserve...