Showing posts with label Political Civil War Among Citizens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Political Civil War Among Citizens. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 3

Recently Wondering

To tell you the truth...  (actually implies that I have not been telling you the truth before...  but, is still a phrase that is commonly used in the South)...  I wonder often but recently I have been wondering about what might happen to AMERICA if President Trump DOES NOT WIN his bid for re-election...

Not only will the Democrats win the Presidency but they could win control of the HOUSE as well as the SENATE and if that is the case, AMERICA will change...  and, in my opinion will change for the WORSE not for the BETTER...  but again, this is one's perception...

First of all...
Biden will DO AWAY with Trump's TAX CUTS which will impact everyone even those that do not make enough money to be considered in Biden's tax increases

Second of all...
Biden will be influence by the PROGRESSIVE DEMOCRATS who will push for MEDICARE FOR ALL and while that is a positive humanitarian effort for everyone, it will stretch our medical resources beyond their current limits.  It will be like everyone going to the ER instead of their family doctors.

Other ACTIONS...
  • A Civil War between Political Party Supporters will take place throughout the country
  • Washington, DC and Puerto Rico could become States which will submit Democrats to the House and to the Senate
  • Legislation towards severely limiting the Second Amendment will be passed
  • Legislation towards opening our borders to unlimited immigration will be passed
  • Legislation towards tearing down the border wall will be passed
  • Legislation toward expanding the Supreme Court will be passed
  • Legislation towards preventing Republicans from ever gaining a majority will be passed
  • Legislation towards free college education will be passed
  • Legislation towards a guaranteed income will be passed
  • Legislation towards going GREEN will be passed
  • Legislation towards redistributing law enforcement monies will be passed
  • Legislations towards paying black reparations for slavery will be passed
  • Legislation towards reducing the military will be passed

  1. Biden will fall ill and Kamala Harris will become President
  2. Russia will take advantage of a Liberal President and Congress
  3. China will take advantage of a Liberal President and Congress
  4. North Korea will take advantage of a Liberal President and Congress
  5. Trade deals will be negotiated that do not favor Americans
  6. NATO will no longer trust America's Military Support
  7. Terrorism will no longer fear America's retaliations
  8. A college education in America will be damn near worthless
  9. America's NATIONAL DEBT will increase beyond its ability to pay back
  10. The worth of the American Dollar will decrease