Thursday, May 2

The World Learned From Us


You may find what is going on in the USA disturbing...  but I do not.

I am not talking about all the shit that is happening on college campuses per se but how organized it is.

After WWII, the rest of the world had been literally destroyed by all the bombing that took place while the USA, except for Pearl Harbor WAS UNTOUCHED.

Consequently, the USA rebuilt the rest of the world and because of that our government got very egotistical about itself...  that is to say that the US government made the decision that only the USA knows what is best for the rest of the world.

We pushed our BRAND OF DEMOCRACY on the rest of the world whether they wanted it or not.  Most of these countries DID NOT WANT our brand of democracy.  That did not matter to us because we pushed it on them anyway.

Over the years, other countries started sending students to US for college education and gradually we taught them what we had been doing to them.  Some of the countries like those belonging to OPEC used the economics we taught them and raised the price of oil based upon our demand.

Our countries learned our military tactics while others learned our technologies.  These foreign students would return home to their countries and started building products and selling them to us cheaper than we could make them in the USA.

Government leaders HAD NO CLUE as to what was going on.

Between 1970-2000, we would use black operations to influence the elections in other countries...  these operations not only included staging riots and protests but influence local media to print stories that were not true, hoping to influence public opinion.

China and Russia are currently involved in the same practice here in the USA that came to light in the 2016 Presidential election.

The protests that are taking place on college campuses are funded by wealthy people and foreign countries to change the social dynamics in the USA...

We as a WHOLE SOCIETY are stupid in that we think what we are seeing is a bunch of spoiled brat college students.  It goes much deeper than that.  Much of this nonsense is controlled by the progressive wing of the Democratic party.

Since 2016, I have come to realize that whatever the Democrats accused the Republicans of doing, it is really them that are doing it, not the republicans.  What helps sell this concept is the liberal media that supports only the Democratic Party.

Wake up before it is too late.

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