Wednesday, May 29

Star Trek's Utopia


I am only familiar with the following series:

  1. Star Trek Original with James T. Kirk
  2. The Next Generation
  3. Deep Space Nine
  4. Voyager
  5. Enterprise
  6. Discovery
And while I say I am familiar; it is really only with the top three since I only watched a few shows of the last three.  There are 12 series in the Star Trek Franchise and the last 6 I do not remember watching any at all.

My comments are therefore based upon the top two since those are the ones I saw multiple times.  Basically, a comparison of the leadership of James T. Kirk versus John Luke Picard.

Among other themes (ideas and ideals), the series, in my opinion, described a utopian civilization (the ultimate in Socialism) where ALL NEEDS OF SOCIETY (or at least those most important) were met.
  • Free Housing
  • Free Food
  • Free Education
  • Free Transportation
  • Free Entertainment
It was assumed, as I recall, that robots performed all the work, so that earth's inhabitants were free to pursue whatever interested them.  Some, like the crew of the Enterprise, joined the Federation to protect earth from potential invaders while exploring space.

Even though people lived inside a UTOPIA, there were still criminals and crimes were committed so society was not that perfect.  One would have thought if life was that perfect why would anyone want to commit a crime...  

So, UTOPIA had not eliminated GREED. POWER, and CONTROL.

Both Kirk and Picard, were captains in the Federation, a military organization that followed the CHAIN OF COMMAND, but these captains oftentimes violated that Chain of Command, if it did not agree with their beliefs.

Neither captain was punished for their illegal activities because the outcomes of their actions were always positive.

Statistically speaking that is simply not possible...

What was even more surprising was that there was:
  • No hunger
  • No shortage of energy
  • No illness that could not be cured
  • No need for commerce except between planets

One wonders, like me, why there was not complacency or apathy since nothing really needed to be accomplished unless you were in the military or government.  It appeared that they were the only ones that needed to work.

Could a society like the one perpetuated on Star Trek actually exist?
If society was that advanced, why didn't robots do ALL THE WORK, including the work of the Federation?

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