Monday, May 27

East TN Retirement


In a few months, I will be in my tenth year of retirement and as a result I will be 77 years of age.  My wife retired with me at the age of 62, so she will be 72.  Neither one of us miss working.

Fortunately, my wife and I are in relatively good health even though we are not completely free of health concerns.  We both know retirees worse off than us as well as in better health than us.

We have been debt free for TWENTY YEARS or more but clearly remember those days when our movements were controlled by debt.  Using debt to enjoy yourself, will one day bite you in the ass.

My wife and I have a simple lifestyle and enjoy of way of life, even though we ARE NOT POOR nor do we live HIGH ON THE HOG.  We have managed our expectations and pretty much do what we want, go where we want, buy what we need, while appreciating each day that we have together.

Our finances do not just pay our bills but allow us plenty of freedom as to how we want to express our lifestyle.  

  • We use frequent flyer points on Delta to fly long distances like to California, Hawaii, Alaska, and Europe.
  • We buy year old cars that have been leased with low mileage.
  • We go on vacation between weekends when the rates are lower.
  • We don't spend money on alcohol, cigarettes, or illegal drugs.

The odds are that we will live another 10-20 years depending upon when our bodies have had enough of living on this earth.  That would put us both in our late 80s or early 90s and by then the quality of our life will have substantially deteriorated.

We both figure that we have another GOOD TEN YEARS to continue doing what we want to do, when we want to do it.

In a few days we will be driving to Florida for a few days and are not worried about leaving our house un-occupied as our neighbors are very protective of us and others.  We are surrounded by couples younger than us, also retired, who are part of a neighborhood watch group.

We mow each other's lawn if we need too, water the plants, and take care of any animals that needed to be left behind.

East TN is an excellent place to retire as it is a combination of both country and city life at bargain basement prices.  The weather is very accommodating as well.

Sometimes I wonder why the younger generation is more like us but then after a second or two, I decided that their loss is our gain.  Either people wise up or they don't - the choice is theirs...  but I doubt too many want to live like us because they might perceive they are missing something.

Let me tell you...  they ain't missing nothing...

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