Thursday, May 30

Going Against the Establishment


A few days ago, I decided to pay $6 and rent the movie Oppenheimer...  it was 3 hours in length and except for the very beginning was well worth the time...  There were no special effects of which to speak and no special cinematography, it was just pure acting and storyline.

What made me mad about the movie was not that we dropped the ATOMIC BOMB on Japan twice, but what a few powerful men did to Oppenheimer after the war when he was against developing a hydrogen bomb.

To put it bluntly, he was crucified because he went against power and therefore went against the establishment.

When one thinks about the USA, one perceives that the USA is above that sort of behavior - that behavior is reserved for countries like Russia, China, Iran, etc.  But, when one sees these kinds of movies and confirms the storyline with their own research, we realize quite quickly that the GREAT USA is no different at all.  AND...  in some case is WORSE.

By doing things for other countries, the USA hides behind it goodness to conceal its EVIL INTENTIONS.  The USA wants to CONTROL THE WORLD and control all the people in the world while at the same time pretending that it does not really want to do that.

I have no doubt that the rest of the world sees us as HYPOCRITS and rightly so...  because that is exactly who we are.

Not only did we crucify Oppenheimer because he refused to go along, but we are trying to crucify Donald Trump as well.  The difference is that Trump is fighting back, and the general public is catching on to the bullshit that is going on in this country.

Sometimes, I really think that the rest of the world needs to teach America a lesson...

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