Friday, May 31

Born Liars


We may not like to hear this, but most Americans, if not all, are born liars...

Let that sink in for a minute...  then think about this:

  • What do we tell our children about Santa Claus?
  • What do we tell our children about the Easter Bunny?
  • What do we tell our children about the Tooth Fairy?
In my opinion, we are subliminally teaching our children to lie, and we expect them to lie to their children as well.

  • We keep other secrets from our children because we do not think they are old enough to know the truth.
  • We withhold information from our spouses for a variety of reasons but never really ask ourselves why we do this.
  • We lie to our subordinates at work about future plans that the company may have.
  • We lie to ourselves when we intentionally break the speed limit or keep data off our IRS taxes.

When we go to college, we find out that our high school teachers did not tell us the exact truth regarding the history of this country or of a particular state.  The lie was written into the textbooks and the teachers perpetuated the lie.

Politicians and elected officials do not always tell us the truth because they perceive that the general public will go into a panic.   After a few years of doing this, lying becomes an expected behavior.

There are blatant omissions in the bible that our ministers, pastors, and priest help to cover up by convincing us to believe in the what the bible says regardless of the inconsistencies.  They also continue to lie to us about heaven and hell as well as offering no scientific proof of creation.

Company CEOs and Boards lie to the employees about what is planned for the company ten years in the future and plant managers lie to employees that their decisions are not based upon what is best for stockholders.

Everywhere we turn...  EVERYONE IS LYING...

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