Wednesday, May 29

Water Battery for the Car

Electric mobility has just been put on the back burner, even though brands such as Tesla and Volkswagen are still 100% committed to it. However, everything could change now with the first water battery in history that you can carry in your current car. The best part? It will give you infinite autonomy without the need to recharge, something that was thought to be impossible until now.

Could a water battery be real? Scientists think so, and have created this

In the latest scientific news from China, a group of brilliant minds in the field has successfully invented the water battery. This breakthrough technology could overthrow existing energy solutions worldwide. It is the possibility of a breakthrough in energy storage performance.

The water battery has water as its electrolyte and aluminum as the anode material. This enables the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to store more energy in a smaller unit of volume than the unit weight. Surprisingly, they noticed that a single gram of anode could hold more than 10 times more energy than a lithium battery.

In addition to enhancing driving range to endless distance thus substitute the use of petrol, the technology will offer extended battery life in consumer products and the improved storage facility of power sources from renewable energy.     READ MORE...

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