Tuesday, May 21



When I was growing up, those graduates who did not go to college, stayed home and worked and got married.

Many of those marriages ended in divorce 10-20 year later.


Those people who went to college and graduated, also got married after graduation as they began their careers and these marriages ended in divorce 10-20 years later as well.


Some of these divorces were caused by dramatic events, such as:

  1. the death of a child
  2. alcoholism or drugs
  3. infidelity
  4. a serious illness

For me, those are not really reasons for divorce, unless the seeds for the divorce had already been planted, and specific situations brought it to a head.

Most divorced people, BLAME the other person for the divorce, trying to convince themselves that they had very little to do with it.

That's BULLSHIT and could not be farther from the TRUTH.

Both parties are responsible for the divorce and while there can be exceptions, I suppose it is not the general rule.

The divorce rate in the USA is 50% and has been that way for several decades.

Living with another person is not easy especially someone who is of the opposite sex.

If divorced people get remarried, the odds are this second marriage will not last long either because neither party has changed themselves.  For example, if one spouse always finds fault with the other person and does not see that what they are doing is wrong, they will continue to display that behavior in all subsequent marriages.

When the first marriage lasts 25 years and the second marriages gets close to that 25-year period, it will start to break down as well.    However, in all likelihood, this second marriage will remain together because of the couple's age and financial situation.

This type of marriage will continue to be horrible until one member dies.

At 70 years old, not many people want to change who they are...

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