Sunday, November 12

Why Do Billionaires Need All Their Money?

How many people are living near the poverty line? The Census Bureau estimated that in 2021, 11.6% of Americans — roughly 38 million people — lived at or below the poverty level. That year, the poverty threshold was $27,740 for a family of four and $13,788 for an individual. 

I am only somewhat impressed when I hear that people like Gates, Bezos, Waltons, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey and others are BILLIONAIRES...

the only reason why they are that wealthy is because other people purchased their product or purchased tickets.
How wealthy would Michael Jordan really be if he had not been blessed with incredible basketball skills?  He would be no better than the rest of us.

Let me ask you this...
What's the point of living in a home that has 15,000 square feet?
How many of those rooms do you use daily?

THIRTY-EIGHT MILLION people in the USA live at or below the POVERTY LINE...
  1. And we call this country GREAT?
  2. And we call this country the land of opportunity?
  3. And, we abide by a constitution that says all people have a right to happiness?

How can we expect to be the LEADER OF THE FREE WORLD when we have 38 million people in the USA living below the poverty line?

I realize these wealthy people NEED large homes, NEED multiple large homes, NEED expensive cars, NEED multiple expensive cars, NEED private jets and NEED to see how much money they can actually make before they DIE...  but, where is their humanity?

How much of their money do they contribute to help those below the POVERTY LINE?
My guess is NONE...
  • They give their money to charities that don't help those living below the poverty line.
  • They give their money to the colleges and universities they attended that don't help those living below the poverty line.
  • They give their money to political campaigns that don't help those living below the poverty line.

How do I know this?
If they GAVE MONEY THERE, we would not have anyone living below the poverty line in the USA...  now, would we?

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