Monday, November 6

Speaking my Mind

Every once in a while, I get this wild hair up my ass, that motivates me to write a lot and express my opinions...  today is one of those days, although I don't feel much different than yesterday.

My opinions MEAN NOTHING...  and the reason that mean nothing is because I AM A NOBODY...  therefore, people like me who have opinions will never be recognized...  

SO...  why voice my opinions?

WELL...  because I can...

Yes, it is true that I am retired and have plenty of time on my hands...  and probably need a hobby so I don't waste my time...  but I enjoy writing; I enjoy thinking; I enjoy critiquing; and I enjoy forecasting based upon what I hear or read.

With age comes wisdom and I know that comment is relative because there are many older people that remain STUPID, and age has not helped them one iota.

I grew up in a Democratic family and for a long time voted democratic.  Then I went to grad school and earned an MBA and my beliefs changed from being liberal to being conservative.

  • A balanced budget is necessary
  • Debt is not always good even for leverage
  • Capitalism cannot support socialism indefinitely
  • A strong military is necessary
  • The needs of the whole outweigh the needs of the few
  • There must be economic growth
  • Inflation impedes economic growth
  • Progress moves best if it moves slowly
  • Illegal immigration undermines the economy
  • Wars can have positive economic benefits

Liberals want more social programs and those programs cost money which means our taxes increase...  I don't know about you but I don't want to pay higher taxes.

Liberals want to move towards socialism which means all the citizens are taken care of by the government...  this type of society creates laziness...  from a health perspective, it is not good to be lazy until one retires and then one should still be active.

Pursue the arts, painting and sculpture, and reading and writing is good, but those people are typically not physically fit and get sicker quicker as they get older.

Liberals want open borders and while immigrants helped build America into a strong nation, illegal immigrants show they will break the law in order to get what they want...  these illegals are uneducated, have no skills, and speak no English.  They will do more harm than good.  Our nation was built by immigrants who had skills.  Besides, these unskilled immigrants will be the first to lose jobs when robots start replacing jobs.   Then what do we do with all of them?

Liberals think about NOW rather than all the unintended consequences of NOW down the road.

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