Saturday, November 11

It's Only Our World

 Do we have what it takes to be a Global Leader?

The USA that is to say...

  • The Character
  • The Vision
  • The Desire
  • The Determination
  • The Motivation
  • The Finances
  • The Military
  • The Education

The are Democracies, Republics, Communists, Socialists, Arabs, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, and Christians...

There are the educated, the uneducated, the spiritual, those who are superstitious, and those who are scared of their own shadows...

There are those who believe in magic, those who believe in God, those who believe in themselves, and those who believe in nothing...

There are those who don't believe in abortion, those who don't value life at all, those who would sacrifice everything for their families, and those who will take advantage of anything they can...

We have as many different languages as we have different skin tones, and those who think the world should speak English...

Mostly, we have people who have no desire to give peace a chance, believing it is their manifest destiny to acquire as much land as they can before they die...

Similarly, we those same people feel that same way about money...

We are a species that has been designed by someone to DESTROY ITSELF...  otherwise, we would not be the way we are...

Is there any country in this world that has what it takes to control this BAND OF MISFITS???

We are so concerned about ourselves that we have lost the fundamental purpose of our existence...  No one country can lead the world without understanding this purpose and seeing how it is necessary to our survival...   and, until that happens, we will never become any better than we already are...   The world, our world, is no better than its weakest link...

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