Monday, November 6


Israel omitted from online maps in China amid war on Hamas in Gaza
China is Iran's largest trading partner and remains a key ally for the country       
To Read Full Article, CLICK HERE

When I saw this article, my first thought was not China, nor was it Iran, nor was it Israel...  it was the United States of America because this is exactly what the Democrats are trying to do to the Republican party....  censor their actions and their comments so that only the Democratic points of view are seen by the general public.

Do you really want to live in a country like CHINA where the government removes the country of Israel from all the maps, so that as you are growing up you never knew that there was a country named ISRAEL...

What if the Democrats removed Donald Trump's name from the list of US Presidents?  And you grew up never knowing that Trump had been President for four years and that the only thing you knew about him was he was indicted for 91 felonies...  all connections to the Presidency had been removed from those indictments.

What if all the stories about illegal immigrants coming across the border from 2020 to 2024 had been removed as well so as far as you knew NO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS had entered the USA during those 4 years.

What if all the alleged crimes that Hunter Biden may or may not have committed were removed from the records so that as far as you knew, the President's son was squeaky clean.

This kind of censorship takes place routinely in communist and socialist countries all over the world.  Keep the citizens on the government payroll and keep them in the dark and stupid.

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