Thursday, September 7

Operating in the Cloud

Before my Dell Vostro 7620, I had an HP Chromebook (which I disliked tremendously) and a Lenovo Yoga...  all three were laptops.

In order to save space on the hard drive, I have free accounts at Google Drive, Gmail, Microsoft One Drive, and numerous external storage devices that connect via USB.  I also have Drop Box, but the free account does not hold much.

Being older in age, I am not that familiar with all the things you can do in the cloud and don't really want to find out for fear of not being able to understand and get frustrated.  Additionally, each place has passwords and they have to be change periodically and REMEMBERED...

I was on facebook but they discovered I had multiple accounts under one phone number so I have been locked out...  not sure if it is permanent or temporary but I am getting to the point where I don't really care.

I mentioned Facebook because you can use that account to log into all sorts of things online or in the cloud.  I am sure I can do the same thing with google and Microsoft but I keep forgetting that I have used them and when I have to reset the password, I am not sure what other devices will be impacted.

I am sure there is a better way to do all of this, but at 75, I ain't gonna spend that much more time on the internet...  because of the years I have left.  By 80, which is only 4 years from now as I will be 76 next month, my time on the internet will be limited to gmail if that.

Gmail allows me to send letters to people I know (albeit not very many) without having to pay the cost of paper, pens, envelopes, or postage.

All of my novels are stored in the cloud on MS One Drive and backed up by attaching them to emails that I send to myself on Gmail.  Some, but not all of them are also saved on the HDD on the Dell.

What I also like about the cloud is that all my audible books are stored there and I download them to a tablet when I want to listen to one.  Once I listen, I delete but they are stored in my cloud library forever.

I remember when I had to download the books to my laptop, transfer them to an ipod in order to listen...  the problem with that was different operating systems for the laptop and the ipod.

Getting back to my three laptops.  Both the Lenovo and HP starting experiencing problem with the KEYBOARD, and in order to continue to use them I had to attach an external keyboard.  That defeated the purpose, at least to me, of using a laptop...  something else to carry around.

Once I remove all the files from both computers, I will nuke the hard drive, if I can remember how, and give them away.  For a year back in the early 2000s, I worked as a computer technician, building new computers and repairing old ones under the guidance of someone who knew what they were doing.  He taught me alot, but most has been forgotten.

It is amazing that I know what I know about the CLOUD...

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