Thursday, September 7

Introspection and Self-Reflection

In high school, I played several sports, basketball, baseball, track and field, football, and volleyball.

I was a forward in basketball, a defensive linebacker in football, played first base in baseball, and in track and field, threw the javelin, discuss, and shotput.

In all those sports areas, we won about as much as we lost, because our collective talents were mediocre at best.

I would not know what it feels like to be on a winning team year after year, playing with others where everything and everyone worked in harmony.

In college I was an "A" student and excelled in communications when I was in the military.

As far as my career was concerned, my ambition was greater than my loyalty and I changed jobs often in an effort to gain more income and gain more experience that would help me get better jobs and more money.

In order to achieve that type of goal, I had to not just be better than average, but I had to be better than everyone else.  However, being in the right place at the right time, did not hurt either and I was able to experience that a couple of times.  I would have been happy if I had only experienced it once.

When I taught classes, I just knew from the getgo that I was better than anyone else around...  I was better because I was unconventional in my approach to learning.  Most of the teachers taught their students just as they were taught, not admitting to themselves that their teachers were boring...  therefore, they must be boring too.

Self-awareness is the hardest goal to achieve because no one really wants to admit that they can get better, especially if they are on top when they are considering that.

Then there are those who are so egotistical that see no need to improve themselves...  while others think if it ain't broke why fix it?

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