Wednesday, September 27

There's Only Two Genders

Regardless of what you think or what you may want to believe or think you want to believe, there are only two genders:  Females and Males...

You can have your testicles and penis removed and you can have breast implants, but you are still biologically a male.

Call yourself transgendered if you would like, but you are still a male.

Males have different bone structures, muscle and tendon structures than a female.

This has nothing to do with my religious beliefs or preferences...  this is biology 101.

Body composition differs between men and women. Men have more lean mass, and women have more fat mass than men. Men are more likely to accumulate adipose tissue around the trunk and abdomen, whereas women usually accumulate adipose tissue around the hips and thighs.   SOURCE:  National Insitute of

I am not opposed to males having their Gentelia removed, in fact, if that is what they really want, I support them wholeheartedly...  They can even take female hormones if they so desire.  Again, this is their choice and I support their freedom to make that choice.


However, if individuals were born with both female and male Gentelia then fortunately have the ability to chose one or the other or both.    And, this happens.  There are always mutations of the DNA and that is a scientific fact.

Those people I suppose would need to be treated differently...  but again, they are not the normal and they are different biologically than males who want to become females.

If two males want to marry that if their decision and I support that.
If two females want to marry that is their decision as well and I support that.
If a trans male/female wants to marry another trans male/female or wants to marry a straight male/female, I support their choices as well...

But, that is not he issue here and because that happens, it does not mean that there are more than two genders.  It just means that those two genders have choices and have decided to exercise those choices.


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