Wednesday, September 7

Lessons Learned Along the Way

In less than 2 months, I will turn 75 years old... which represents that 3/4 of my life is gone, providing I live to the age of 100...  there are many people older than me but there are a ton of people younger...

What have I learned?

1.  No matter how hard you try or how many choices you make, you always become that which you were intended to become form the very beginning.

NOTE:  this one requires a little bit of thinking to fully grasp its importance.

2.  The only person you can trust and count on is YOURSELF...  this includes:  brothers, sisters, parents, sons, daughters, spouse, and close friends.

3.  Being healthy is much better than not being healthy but it's no guarantee that it prevents you from getting terribly sick.

4.  Get out of debt as quick as you can and start saving for retirement as fast as you can.

5.  Having something is not always as pleasant as wanting something.

6.  Be frugal in everything that you do.

7.  You must believe in a creator rather than believing your intricate human body just evolved over the years.

8.  Being handicapped never stopped an animal from living its life to the fullest.

9.  Take responsibility for everything that you do rather than blaming someone else.

10.  You are the only one that can motivate yourself and achievement only comes from those were are disciplined and determined.

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