Saturday, June 4

US No Longer Energy Independent

 In case you have forgotten, the United States was energy independent when Donald Trump was President.  On the first day of office, Joe Biden cancelled the XL Pipeline and halting drilling on federal lands...  

This one action made the US energy dependent and in order to meet our demand we had to start importing oil from other countries...

If this was not bad enough, imported oil is not as clean as the oil we were pumping at home, so we are hurting the environment more than when we were energy independent...

To add insult to injury, we are now talking with Saudi Arabia about buying crude oil from them and not too long ago in the past, Biden had said that he condemned Saudi Arabia for killing their journalist...  Biden made the claim that he would never do business with the Saudi Prince...

So, this is a big change...

Now, we all know that the price of gasoline has more than doubled since Biden has been President, and a few months ago, he blamed that increase on COVID...  now he is blaming that increase on Putin because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine...  and while those two events may have contributed to our problem, the main reason for gas price increases is what Biden did on his first day of office...

The big insult to the American People is the fact, that Biden believes the American People are too stupid to see that he is LYING...

How can you ever trust what Biden says???

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