Saturday, June 4

Luck or What???


Yesterday, I spent the day in Knoxville, first at the hospital where my back surgery will take place making final preparations, then to the mall for lunch, then to a department store to return an item that was the incorrect size, then to SAMS for several bulk purchases, then on the way home we stopped at a grocery store to pick up an item or two...

In the past year, we have made essentially this same trip over 100 times or more and at every one of these stops, the parking lot is always 80-95% full, and we end up parking almost as far away as you can park...  And, while the walk is cumbersome with a cane and sometimes slightly uphill, it only takes about 15 minutes.

Today, our first stop was exactly what we expected, all the handicapped spaces close to the main entrance were taken and we had to park in a lower parking lot and make the 15-minute journey (more uphill than normal) to get to our destination.

Interestingly, ALL THE OTHER FOUR STOPS, we found a handicapped parking space (1 left which means someone had just pulled out) at all our remaining stops and locations...  this has never happened before...  we might find 1-2 but never 4 in a row...

Is this what someone refers to as LUCK?

It is doubtful that this kind of luck will ever happen again...  that is to stay 4 spaces in a row...  so, it becomes an incident that I think is worthy of my comments...

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