Friday, June 3

Our Federal Government

How many of you want our Federal Government telling us what to do...  when to do it...  and, how to do it?

For instance,
the Federal Government tells us that we can get an abortion, if we want one, but in order to get that abortion, we have to follow their rules and guidelines...

I have no problems with someone wanting an abortion...  as it is their right and their body...  but, I am opposed to our Federal Government thinking that they are the ones who should be giving us that power...

As far as I am concerned the federal government can stick their heads up their asses...  if I want to get an abortion, I damn well am going to get an abortion...

Tell the government to stay the hell out of our lives...

The larger our federal government becomes, the more powerful it becomes and the more it can control our lives and how we live those lives...

Right now, the federal government says we can enlist in the military at age 18 and under special circumstances age 16 and kill foreigners that we believe are our enemy but in some states we are not old enough to drink alcohol...

And, if I am not mistaken, you have to be age 21 in order to vote.  How can you possibly be old enough to kill in the military and not be old enough to vote in a political election that says it is ok for you to enlist and kill...


Why have we given our Federal Government that much power and why do we want our Federal Government to become larger and larger and wield more power?

We need to demand a smaller government.
We need to demand a government with less power.
We need to demand that our government work for us.

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