Friday, June 3

Future Concerns


While we cannot predict the future with any degree of certainty, we can forecast anticipations and possibilities along with some deep concerns...


  • We are faced with a Democratic President, House, and Senate...
  • Unregulated Illegal Immigration
  • Unstopable Inflation
  • Supply Chair Shortages
  • Increase in Crime & Violence

In November (5 months away)of this year, we have our midterms elections...
and, because of the items listed above, it is highly likely that control of the House and Senate will be the domain of the Republicans...

So, 7 months from now when they take control, there is a good possibility that they will pass legislation that if the President vetoes will be passed over his head so that:>
  • We will return to energy independence
  • Inflation will begin to decrease
  • Illegal Immigration will begin to decrease
  • Crime and Violence will begin to decrease
  • Supply Chain shortages will begin to decrease
So...  all of that is good right?
Well, two years later, we have another election, and if the Democrats retain control of the Presidency, then there is a good possibility that they will gain control of the House and Senate again, and their policies will return and we will again be facing the same crisis that we are currently facing...

It is the general public, you and I, that elects the President and who we want to serve in Congress.

We favor the other party whenever the current party is causing us problems with our quality of life...  therefore, the general public, you and I, are the ones causing this roller coaster lifestyle that we are living and will continue to live as we flip flop back and forth between parties.

Our society grows but slowly...  however, the wealthy continue to get wealthy and if we are constantly pointing the finger at each other, there is never an opportunity to point the finger at the wealthy which is exactly THEIR PLAN OF ACTION...  THEIR STRATEGY...

Time to wake up America!!!

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