Saturday, March 5


Several years ago, my mother gave birth to me in a hospital that was located in Raleigh, NC and while we live briefly in Alexandria, VA, I returned to NC for college and remained there until 1990 when I relocated to TN, another southern state...

Not only am I a Southerner, I am also a Caucasian Male who was raised in a lower middle class environment.  I have never lived in a city.  Instead, I have always lived just outside of the city, in the country per se...  but, not until TN was a fully emersed in country living...  and, I would not trade that for anything.

I also prefer the SOUTH to the NORTH, and not just because the south typically has a warmer climate but because of the PEOPLE who are more compassionate than those in the north...  also, there is less vehicular traffic in the south, less smog and polution, and a slower life-style.

While some might think that the south is relatively backwards compared to the modern city of New York, we have respected universities, respected hospitals and healthcare, respected recreation areas, and a respected law enforcement where crime and violence is at a minimum.

What I like about it, is that the cost of living is less than most everywhere else in the US and while the income levels are also less, it is very easy to live very well and only spend about $3,500 to $4,000 on monthly expenses...  of course, my wife and I have no debt which helps and have been debt free for over 15 years.

Being retired, I don't have to pay any attention to CRT or becoming WOKE...  nor do I have to feel bad about the fact that I am WHITE...  and, being white does not mean I feel guilty about my ancestors practicing slavery...  the fact remains that I don't practice slavery today nor anyday during my life and that's what matters to me.

If you want to play the race card...  that is your right...  but I will not support you nor will I stand in your way...  because of the freedoms that our slavery believing founding fathers gave us.

Did I live a good life?

I did exactly what I wanted to do throughout the 74 years that I have lived on this earth.

Did I make mistakes?

Of course I made mistakes...  and sometimes, I actually learned from those mistakes.

Would I do anything different?

I have seriously thought about that, and I don't think that I would because I am the person I am today because of what I did before.

What have I learned?

Live and let live.

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