Saturday, March 5

From the Back Porch


Thank god...  it's the weekend...
Somewhat funny from someone who is retired...  but after 45 years of working, the power of the weekends are engrained in me just as deeply as my religious upbringing in the United Methodist Church...
It was in the church that I first learned about being hypocritical...  that is to say, acting one way in church and around religious and acting another way when you were not around these kinds of people...
Being retired basically means that you are OLD...  and this holds true for people who keep working after they reach retirement age...  this is done for two reasons:  
(1) because you have to    
(2) because you cannot stand the thought of not making as much money as you can before you die
I suppose this is somewhat logical just as my opening line was somewhat funny.

For me, each day is S O S...
Same Ole Shit or SOS was taught to me in the Navy...   just like SNAFU although that term started in the Army but eventually extended out to all branches of the armed forces.

7:00/7:30 - I am awake and out of bed
10 minutes later I have my first cup of coffee made from a Keurig Coffee Pod Machine
7:45 - I am watching FOX News
7:45-8:45 - I write in my journal
8:45-10:30 - I prepare my blog for the next day and have pretty much consumed 2-3 YETI containers of coffee
10:30-11:00 - The consumed coffee causes me to have my morning bowel movement that most people refer to as "taking a shit"
11:00 - I typically decide it is time to eat breakfast
12:00 - 2:00/3:00 - I work on one of my novels
2:00/3:00 - I have a small meal
3:00 - 5:00 - I watch a couple of hours of some kind of multiple seasons series that is usually a mystery, scifi, espionage, or detective stuff
5:00-6:00 - I usually eat another small meal
6:00 - 9:00 - is pretty much free time which I can use to work on my novel or watch some sort of series or type previously written poems into my poetry blog
9:00 - I answer email
10:00 - I am usually in bed

This is why I refer to it as SOS...

BUT, a few weeks ago my routine was upset because when I awoke, I had a insideous pain in both butt cheeks that came and went.  A few days later, this pain descended down into the back of my thighs which made it very difficult to walk.  Obviously, after a month of this nonsense, I went to see an orthopedic doctor who, based upon the way I was walking, said I had a problem with disks L6, L5, or L4 in my lower spine...  could be a pinched nerve...  but, it was not from anything I had done and not done...  it was just from age.  I told him that I exercised, walked, ran, and was very physical most of my life until retirement...  He smiled and said...  if you had not have done that, your situation today would be WORSE...  HOLY SHIT...  I kinda said to myself...

An MRI will confirm his diagnosis but I cannot have that MRI until the end of April so I will have to live with this shit for almost 2 months.  If the MRI confirms his diagnosis, then there will either be steroid shots directly into the spine at those "L" locations or surgery.

Ironically, this would have happened to me whether I retired or not...  so, it is a good thing that I retired, because limping around like this, I would not have been worth a shit at work...  and, that is something my bosses would have given a shit about and probably would have asked me to "go to the house".

Thank god...  it's the weekend...

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